Let me explain in detail how this works:
1. Every week, a group of 10-15 students coming to the lecture theatre (which i will email them which one or see 'How to enrol page' for location)- It depends on the availability of the room
2. I hand out a *shortened version* of UMAT exam including section 1, section 2 and section 3.
3. It takes approx. 45 mins to do the shortened version
4. Then the following week we will check answers, explain the standard answers to the whole class
5. In the end, if you like it, you can come in next session. if you dont, no need to come back again.
6. Before you go, all the copies of UMAT questions will be handed back (because of copyright acts)
*Shortened version*: section 1:20-25 questions section 2: 20-25 questions. section 3: 5-10 questions
After knowing how this works, if you are interested in improving your UMAT results at a much cheaper cost. then please click the next page 'how to enrol'